Julia Franks
Julia has over 20 years’ experience of working with young people in sexual and reproductive health, initially as a Counsellor for Brook London, and subsequently for over a decade working as the Lead for Young People at Archway Sexual Health Clinic. She has supervised health professionals in a range of disciplines including at the Mortimer Market Centre clinic. Julia has been delivering RSE lessons in Camden and Islington schools for 20 years, and has contributed to resource provision for this age group. Julia practices as an accredited Counsellor and Psychotherapist, and specialises in working with teenagers and young people.
Shirldon Barthelmy
Shirldon has over 20 years’ experience supporting and delivering RSE both as a freelance trainer, and with the sexual health charity Brook. She has coordinated sexual health programmes and the C-Card scheme at the Brandon Centre – a voluntary sector agency providing counselling and sexual health services for young people. Shirldon has worked with hard-to-reach young people in pupil referral units, lead ‘real care’ baby programmes on the realities of young parenting, and has devised schemes of work focusing on the needs of young men. A large part of Shirldon’s role includes training professionals across the children/young peoples’ work force including youth/social/YOS workers, foster carers, school nurses and education coordinators.
Steve Gray
Steve has over 30 years’ experience of working with young people around RSE in the public, voluntary and independent sectors. He has extensive experience of training teachers, social workers, youth workers and other health professionals in delivering effective RSE, and has contributed to strategic planning and thinking on a range of issues relating to young people and sexual health.
Emma Rezel
Emma has coordinated, developed and delivered borough-wide RSE programmes in schools, colleges and universities. She has also organised and delivered programmes to reach disadvantaged young people in non-educational settings such as homeless charities and youth centres. Emma has shared her experience with other professionals through planning and delivering intensive RSE training programmes. She is currently a PhD student at King’s College London looking at strategies to reduce rates of unintended pregnancy. She has previously studied the control of STIs, HIV and other infectious diseases at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine where she conducted research on barriers to HIV testing in the UK.
Tabitha Peake
Tabitha has practiced as a nurse for the past 15 years, and has many years’ experience of specialisation in the field of HIV and sexual health. Five years she became a lead nurse, managing the care of young people and adolescents living with HIV. Tabitha is currently based at the Mortimer Market Centre (NHS clinic). She also attends Great Ormond Street Hospital regularly to meet young people living with HIV: giving information, increasing awareness about sexual and reproductive health, puberty, and introducing strategies to promote independence with their own health care. Tabitha has delivered workshops on HIV for Body and Soul, a leading UK charity in this field, and lead RSE sessions in schools.
Tami Rocco
Tami started off her career as a secondary school teacher with specific interest in personal, social and health education and advise working in Johannesburg, South Africa. Since moving to the UK, Tami has worked in multidisciplinary teams and in working partnerships with variety of different clinical, outreach and educational young people’s services including NHS sexual health and HIV services, Brook, Get Connected helpline, social services and youth services. Tami has delivered RSE in several UK schools.
Ango Fada
Ango has had many years experience working in the NHS as a Health Adviser and Nurse in Sexual Health Clinics and other settings. Ango has supported the delivery of Relationships and Sex Education in schools and colleges for over twenty years, and has been working with RSE in London for the past four years.
Darren Tippetts
Darren has been working in sexual health for over 25 years. He has worked in several large inner London clinics including a Young People’s service and Holloway Prison, and for the last several years has been the Safeguarding Lead for Integrated Sexual Health for Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. He is a member of the British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (Adolescent Special Interest Group), which advises on national policy for young people and co-ordinates professional training events. He has also worked in the fields of HIV support, Carers’ support, and Dementia Care.
Jane Coe
Jane has worked as a nurse for 33 years in the NHS, and specialised in urological nursing. She worked as a clinical nurse specialist in cancer care and during this time set up and delivered clinics specifically for sexual dysfunction. She has extensive experience of facilitating group work and delivering formal and informal teaching sessions, both in the hospital and the university setting. Jane has a strong background in communication skills and was an accredited facilitator for a national training programme on communication skills for staff in healthcare.