RSE Subjects for Schools


Delivery is interactive and participative including whole class discussion, small group discussion, questions and answers, power point presentations, quizzes, interactive worksheets, skills practice, case studies and role-play.  Our work has mainly been with Key Stages 3-5, but we can also work with Key Stage 2, or students in higher education.


  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Identifying STIs, symptoms, transmission, prevention, condom use, safer sex, testing, where to go for help. Identifying risk around HIV, values and stigma
  •  Contraception
    Conception, methods of contraception, condom use, safer sex, pregnancy testing, where to go for help
  •  Access to Sexual Health Services
    Visiting sexual health clinics, local clinics including young people’s services, scenarios around how young people may access support
  •  Into Adolescence
    Exploration of physical/emotional/social development during puberty/adolescence
  •  Abortion
    Facts and myths around abortion, values discussion, dilemmas people may face around unplanned pregnancy
  • Teenage Parenting
    Reality of being a young parent
  • Relationships
    Nature of friendships and relationships, exploring healthy relationships
  • Gender and Sexual Identity
    Exploring values, terminology and positive role models
  • Consent in relationships
    Consent and the law, exploring scenarios around consent in sexual situations
  • Pleasure and Fulfilment in Relationships
    Qualities of a fulfilling relationship, anatomy of sexual pleasure
  • Pornography
    Differentiating between pornography and real life sex, how pornography may influence the lives of young people
  • Sexual Exploitation / Abusive Relationships
    Exploration of when and how teenage relationships may become abusive. Recognising signs of exploitation. How to access help and support
  • Health, Sex and the Law
    Exploration of the law around sex and relationships in Britain
  • Values around Relationships, Sex and Sexual Health
    Critical thinking, small group and whole group discussion around personal values
  • Emotional Well-being
    What is emotional well-being for young people? Mental health, body image, eating disorders, self-harm, getting help, peer support and mentoring
  • Women’s/Men’s Health
    Including BV/candida/UTIs/breast, cervical or testicular cancer

Other RSE Subjects may be covered by arrangement