RSE Training available from STEVE GRAY
Steve has over 30 years experience of working with young people around relationships and sex education. From 2000-2011 Steve successfully managed local networks of health professionals based in the London boroughs of Camden, Islington and Lambeth. The networks’ primary function was to provide schools and colleges with classroom facilitators experienced in delivering RSE.
A freelance trainer since 2010, on his fpa Training the Trainers module Steve achieved an overall mark of 72% – a first class equivalent grade. He is currently employed by the NHS as a Health Promotion Specialist for Young People – based in North London.
Steve’s freelance work has included staff training with the London boroughs of Islington and Wandsworth. Over 500 participants evaluated the courses with over 97% rating the sessions as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’. Participant’s comments included:
“Good mix of participation, information and debate. An engaging facilitator with an obvious passion for his job”
“I thought that I would struggle with this course, but it was very helpful and I enjoyed it. Steve has an inclusive facilitation style”
“Balanced, focused, interactive and relevant, the role plays helped a great deal, and it got me thinking outside the stereotypical box”
“Steve is an excellent trainer, provides time to voice opinions, explains things clearly and precisely, and initiates discussion”
“Fantastic! I learnt a lot from this course and feel more able to answer young people’s questions about sex and relationships”
“The training was excellent and informative. It felt organised, well-paced and gently contained”
Please contact Steve to negotiate training outcomes for your RSE workshop or course. Options might include:
The Context of RSE
By the end of the training participants will have…
- Explored values and attitudes in relation to young people, sexual health and personal relationships
- Identified basic information around the law and sex in Britain
- Explored key factors influencing teenage pregnancy
- Identified and reflected on the language people use around our bodies and sex, and how our choice of language may impact on young people
- Explored issues around consent and young people, sex and relationships
- Explored ways to support young people develop strategies to negotiate safer sex
Facilitating RSE in the Classroom
- Identified strategies to help visitors to schools facilitate effective RSE
- Practiced RSE activities to use in the classroom with young people
- Practiced planning and delivering an aspect of an RSE session
- Practiced how to respond to difficult or sensitive questions or situations in RSE sessions with young people
SRE in Less Formal Settings
- More confidence to respond to questions young people may ask about sex, relationships and sexual health
- Explored how to engage young people with a range of informal activities aimed at promoting safer sex
Talking about Sexual Pleasure
- Explored how including discussion or answering questions about sexual pleasure in RSE may be appropriate in different settings
- Explored how to enhance discussions and respond to questions about sexual pleasure with young people
Enabling Young People to Access Support
- Identified how young people can access support around relationships and sex
- Become more familiar with, and know how to signpost to sexual health and young people’s services